Nested Lists And List Comprehensions
I am fairly new to Python and I'm having trouble figuring out how to apply a list comprehension to part of a nested list (specifically at the index level). For instance, if I have
Solution 1:
A more general version of mac's:
>>>my_list = [[1,2], [3,7], [6,9], [4,3]]>>>new_list = [[v*2if i==0else v for i,v inenumerate(sublist)] for sublist in my_list]>>>new_list
[[2, 2], [6, 7], [12, 9], [8, 3]]
Solution 2:
Are you looking for this?
>>> my_list = [[1,2], [3,7], [6,9], [4,3]]
>>> [[sublist[0] * 2, sublist[1]]for sublist in my_list]
[[2, 2], [6, 7], [12, 9], [8, 3]]
EDIT: The above solution wouldn't scale well if you had sublists of many elements. If this is the case for you, an alternative could be use mapping:
>>>my_list = [[1,2], [3,7], [6,9], [4,3]]>>>defdouble_first(list_):... list_[0] *= 2...return list_...>>>map(double_first, my_list)
[[2, 2], [6, 7], [12, 9], [8, 3]]
EDIT2: The solution in my first edit allows to implement any type of manipulation on the sublists, but if the operation is basic and only dependent from the index of the sublist, Dan's solution will perform faster.
Solution 3:
you mean something like this:
my_list = [[1,2], [3,7], [6,9], [4,3]]
new_list = [sublist[0]*2for sublist in my_list]
new_list == [2, 6, 12, 8]
also, you forgot to put commas between your sublists (Fixed in my answer)
I am assuming that by 'index 1' you mean the first element.
If you actually mean the second item (which is index 1) you will use sublist[1]
instead of sublist[0]
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