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Python: Input Function Not Working As Expected

Say that the SECRET_NUMBER = 77. I want the function to keep prompting the user until the secret number is guessed. However, the 'your guess is too low' or 'your guess is to high'

Solution 1:

input()returns whatever the user entered. You are not storing what the function returns; it is discarded instead.

Store it in your variable:

num = input('Guess a number: ')

You probably want to turn that into an integer; input() returns a string:

num = int(input('Guess a number: '))

You only need to ask for it once for each try:

while num != SECRET_NUMBER:

    if num < SECRET_NUMBER:
        print('Your guess was too low!')

    elif num > SECRET_NUMBER:
        print('Your guess was too high!')

    num = int(input('Guess a number: '))

    print('You guessed it!')

Also see Asking the user for input until they give a valid response.

Solution 2:

You need to assign the input value to a variable such as

num = int(input('Guess a number: '))

Note that I also cast to int because input() returns a string

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