How Can I Convert A Model Trained In Tensorflow 2 To A Tensorflow 1 Frozen Graph
I would like to train a model using tensorflow 2 but afterwards I need to use a converter that is only compatible with tensorflow 1. Is it possible and if so how can I convert a m
Solution 1:
If there is no method that reliably converts your TF2 model to TF1, you can always save the trained parameters (weights, biases) and used them later to initiate your TF1 graph. I did it for some other purpose before. You can save as follows:
weights = []
for layer in model.layers:
w = layer.get_weights()
withopen('mnist_weights.pkl', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(weights, f)
Where for each layer w[0]=weights
and w[1]=biases
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