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Extracting Rows From Csv File Based On Specific Keywords

I have created a code to help me retrieving the data from csv file import re keywords = {'metal', 'energy', 'team', 'sheet', 'solar' 'financial', 'transportation', 'electrical',

Solution 1:

You can do this using pandas as follows, if you are looking for rows that contain exactly one word from the list of keywords:

keywords = ["metal", "energy", "team", "sheet", "solar""financial", "transportation", "electrical", "scientists",
            "electronic", "workers"]

# read the csv data into a dataframe # change "," to the data separator in your csv file df = pd.read_csv("2006-data-8-8-2016.csv", sep=",")
# filter the data: keep only the rows that contain one of the keywords # in the position or the Job description columnsdf = df[df["position"].isin(keywords) | df["Job description"].isin(keywords)] 
# write the data back to a csv file 
df.to_csv("new_data.csv",sep=",", index=False) 

If you are looking for substrings in the rows (e.g looking financial in financial engineering) then you can do the following:

keywords = ["metal", "energy", "team", "sheet", "solar""financial", "transportation", "electrical", "scientists",
            "electronic", "workers"]
searched_keywords = '|'.join(keywords)

# read the csv data into a dataframe # change "," to the data separator in your csv file df = pd.read_csv("2006-data-8-8-2016.csv", sep=",")
# filter the data: keep only the rows that contain one of the keywords # in the position or the Job description columnsdf = df[df["position"].str.contains(searched_keywords) | df["Job description"].str.contains(searched_keywords)] 
# write the data back to a csv file 
df.to_csv("new_data.csv",sep=",", index=False) 

Solution 2:

Try this, looping in a dataframe and write back a new dataframe to a csv file.

import pandas as pd

keywords = {"metal", "energy", "team", "sheet", "solar", "financial", 
        "transportation", "electrical", "scientists",
        "electronic", "workers"}  # all your keywords

df = pd.read_csv("2006-data-8-8-2016.csv", sep=",")

listMatchPosition = []
listMatchDescription = []

for i inrange(len(df.index)):
    ifany(x in df['position'][i] or x in df['Job description'][i] for x in keywords):
        listMatchDescription.append(df['Job description'][i])

output = pd.DataFrame({'position':listMatchPosition, 'Job description':listMatchDescription})
output.to_csv("new_data.csv", index=False)

EDIT: If you have many columns to add, the modified following code will do the job.

df = pd.read_csv("2006-data-8-8-2016.csv", sep=",")

output = pd.DataFrame(columns=df.columns)

for i in range(len(df.index)):
    if any(x in df['position'][i] or x in df['Job description'][i] for x in keywords):
    output.loc[len(output)] = [df[j][i] for j in df.columns]

output.to_csv("new_data.csv", index=False)

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