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Django: User-defined Exception Not Being Caught

I have a user-defined exception in my Django app: class TemplateMatchError(Exception): ... I have a segment of code that catches this exception in regular try ... except: try:

Solution 1:

The problem was that a different exception class was being thrown up by, though the name was the same.

My did not specify the full path of the app where the in question lived. After specifying the full path, the exception classes matched and the exception was caught. Thanks to all who provided great hints.

Solution 2:

It'd help to see more of your code around the exception catching. From what you have shown, there are a few things to look at:

  1. I'm assuming TemplateMatchError is what you originally called MyError
  2. Your code seems unsure of how template.match returns a negative result. In, it seems to expect a nil/false return value but the function itself raises an exception rather than returning something falsey.
  3. The code segment as you've shown it has bad indentation, which could be causing the failure to catch the error.

As you've shown it:

    # Do other stuff, presumably including this:try:
    except TemplateMatchError as e:
        #this won't catch exceptions from template.match(text)continue

How I think you mean it:

except TemplateMatchError as e:
    # This will be caughtcontinue

Hope that helps.

Solution 3:

are you sure that it is the same Class «TemplateMatchError» imported from the same module that you raise and you try to catch.

if this is two class with the same name but imported from diferent module, python won't trait them as the same Exception, an then never enter your catch block.

Solution 4:

Modify the code this way in order to verify assumptions at very near point.

import api
    assert TemplateMatchError == api.models.TemplateMatchError
        if template.match(text):
            return attrs
    except TemplateMatchError as e:
        continueexcept Exception as e:
        assertisinstance(e, TemplateMatchError)
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        pass# if both asserts vere OK, but the exception is uncaught (not#        probable) you are here and see the the line debugger startedraise# continue by caugting in external frames

Start the testserver by the best way for debugging python runserver --nothreading --noreload When you see the debugger prompt (Pdb), put these commands in order to repeat it step by step:

l(ist) Enter
j(ump) <line number of the line 'try:'> Enter
b /home/uname/api/ Enter  # breakpoint at that raise command
c(ontinue) Enter
s(tep) Enter  # press Enter five times to see steps, how the lines # "except ... continue" are missed 
c(ontinue)  # to reraise and see an error page in the browser

However I think that one of asserts will fail, if DEBUG=True, and you will know more, without debugger.

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