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Do Python Regexes Support Something Like Perl's \g?

I have a Perl regular expression (shown here, though understanding the whole thing isn't hopefully necessary to answering this question) that contains the \G metacharacter. I'd lik

Solution 1:

Try these:

import re

for example:

# Finds all words of length 3 or 4
s = "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs."print re.findall(r'\b\w{3,4}\b', s)

# prints ['the','fox','over','the','lazy','dogs']

Solution 2:

Python does not have the /g modifier for their regexen, and so do not have the \G regex token. A pity, really.

Solution 3:

You can use re.match to match anchored patterns. re.match will only match at the beginning (position 0) of the text, or where you specify.

def match_sequence(pattern,text,pos=0):
  pat = re.compile(pattern)
  match = pat.match(text,pos)
    yieldmatchifmatch.end() == pos:
      break # infinite loop otherwise
    pos = match.end()
    match = pat.match(text,pos)

This will only match pattern from the given position, and any matches that follow 0 characters after.

>>>for match in match_sequence(r'[^\W\d]+|\d+',"he11o world!"):...print

Solution 4:

I know I'm little late, but here's an alternative to the \G approach:

import re

    if[0] == '/': return
    else: return'<' + + '>'

source = '''

pattern = re.compile(r'(?m)^//.*$|http://\S+')
result = re.sub(pattern, replace, source)

output (via Ideone):

<> <>

The idea is to use a regex that matches both kinds of string: a URL or a commented line. Then you use a callback (delegate, closure, embedded code, etc.) to find out which one you matched and return the appropriate replacement string.

As a matter of fact, this is my preferred approach even in flavors that do support \G. Even in Java, where I have to write a bunch of boilerplate code to implement the callback.

(I'm not a Python guy, so forgive me if the code is terribly un-pythonic.)

Solution 5:

Don't try to put everything into one expression as it become very hard to read, translate (as you see for yourself) and maintain.

import re
lines = [re.sub(r'http://[^\s]+', r'<\g<0>>', line) for line in text_block.splitlines() ifnot line.startedwith('//')]

Python is not usually best when you literally translate from Perl, it has it's own programming patterns.

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