Java Equivalent Of Python List
Solution 1:
The closest Java has to a Python List is the ArrayList<> and can be declared as such
//Declaring an ArrayList
ArrayList<String> stringArrayList = new ArrayList<String>();
//add to the end of the list
//add to the beggining of the list
stringArrayList.add(0, "food");
//remove an element at a spesific index
//get the size of the list
//clear the whole list
//copy to a new ArrayList
ArrayList<String> myNewArrayList = new ArrayList<>(oldArrayList);
//to reverse
//something that could work as "pop" could be
stringArrayList.remove(stringArrayList.size() - 1);
Java offers a great selection of Collections, you can have a look at a tutorial that Oracle has on their site here
IMPORTANT: Unlike in Python, in Java you must declare the data type that your list will be using when you instatiate it.
Solution 2:
Java has an interface called list, which has implementations such as ArrayList, AbstractList, AttributeList, etc.
However, each one has different functionalities, and I don't know if they have everything you've specified such as .reverse().
Solution 3:
Take a look at Collections in java. There are many lists (ArrayList, LinkedList etc). Choose the best datastructure needed for the requirement and complexity (both space and time).
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