How To Display Ticks In Plain Number For Seaborn Heatmap With Logarithmic Scale?
I am generating a heatmap using seaborn which has a logarithmic scale. How can I change the colorbar labels from scientific notation to plain number. import math from
Solution 1:
plots are wrappers around matplotlib
so I would suggest this
Solution 2:
The following codes helped.
For the first part of the problem adding "format" in cbar_kws parameters helped. (
import matplotlib.ticker as tkr
formatter = tkr.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True)
ax = sns.heatmap(corr, square=True, mask=mask, cmap=cmap_type, linewidths=.5, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin, norm=log_norm, cbar_kws={"ticks": cbar_ticks, "format": formatter}, center=center)
For the second part, which is caused due to a bug in matplotlib, adding the following removes the minor ticks. (
ax.collections[0][], minor=True)
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