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Wagtail Modeltranslation Language Switcher Doesn't Work On /search Page

I have added search url to i18n_patterns, but the language switcher doesn't work on that page. urlpatterns += i18n_patterns( path('search/',, name=

Solution 1:

The language switcher uses the Wagtail page variable. See the change_lang template tag:

<a...href="{% change_lang language page %}">...</a>

And search is a Django view, not a Wagtail page. The page variable is not defined.

You can make the switcher work on the search view by setting the href yourself:

{% for language in languages %}
    <a href="/{{ language.code }}/search/"
{% endfor %}

Alternatively, you can create a Wagtail search page:

classSearchPage(Page):defget_context(self, request):
        context = super().get_context(request)            

        ... # Copy the code from the current search view.# Update and return the context
            'search_query': search_query,
            'search_results': search_results,
        return context

You also have to:

  • Rename (search_page.html) and rework (page.variable_name) your search template.
  • Remove the search url from
  • Add the SearchPage via the Wagtail admin interface to the page tree.

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