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Binding List To Params In Pandas Read_sql_query With Other Params

I've been trying to test various methods for making my code to run. To begin with, I have this list: member_list = [111,222,333,444,555,...] I tried to pass it into this query: que

Solution 1:

Break this up into three parts to help isolate the problem and improve readability:

  1. Build the SQL string
  2. Set parameter values
  3. Execute pandas.read_sql_query

Build SQL

First ensure ? placeholders are being set correctly. Use str.format with str.join and len to dynamically fill in ?s based on member_list length. Below examples assume 3 member_list elements.


member_list = (1,2,3)
sql = """select member_id, yearmonth
         from queried_table
         where yearmonth between {0} and {0}
         and member_id in ({1})"""
sql = sql.format('?', ','.join('?' * len(member_list)))


select member_id, yearmonth
from queried_table
where yearmonth between ? and ?
and member_id in (?,?,?)

Set Parameter Values

Now ensure parameter values are organized into a flat tuple


# generator to flatten values of irregular nested sequences,# modified from answers
    for el in l:
            yieldfrom flatten(el)
        except TypeError:
            yield el

params = tuple(flatten((201601, 201603, member_list)))


(201601, 201603, 1, 2, 3)


Finally bring the sql and params values together in the read_sql_query call

query = pd.read_sql_query(sql, db2conn, params)

Solution 2:

If you're using python 3.6+ you could also use a formatted string litteral for your query (cf

start, end = 201601, 201603
selected_members = (111, 222, 333, 444, 555)  # requires to be a tuple

query = f"""
    SELECT member_id, yearmonth FROM queried_table
    WHERE yearmonth BETWEEN {start} AND {end}
      AND member_id IN {selected_members}

df = pd.read_sql_query(query, db2conn)

Solution 3:

query = 'Select count(*) cnt from TBL_DESK_AUDIT  where trunc(DATETIMECREATED) = trunc(sysdate) and DESK_NAME =' + "'"+dataframe_list1[0][0] + "'"print(query)
df_TBL_DESK_AUDIT = pd.read_sql_query(query, connect);

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