Python Lxml Write To File In Predefined Order
I want to write following lxml etree subelements: , , ,
Solution 1:
This sample demonstrates:
- How to read in an XMl file,
- That an Element is a list, and can be manipulated as such
- How to sort a list based on the predefined order of a matchable substring
- How to write out an XML file
from lxml import etree
import re
# Parse the XML and find the rootwithopen('input.xml') as input_file:
tree = etree.parse(input_file)
root = tree.getroot()
# Find the list to sort and sort it
some_arbitrary_expression_to_find_the_list = '.'
element_list = tree.xpath(some_arbitrary_expression_to_find_the_list)[0]
predefined_order = [
filter = re.compile(r'Element(.*)at0x.*')
element_list[:] = sorted(
key = lambda x: predefined_order.index(filter.match(x.tag).group(1)))
# Write the XML to the output filewithopen('output.xml', 'w') as output_file:
output_file.write(etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print = True))
Sample input:
<stuff><ElementProtocolat0x3803048 /><ElementStudyEventDefat0x3803108 /><ElementFormDefat0x3803248 /><ElementItemGroupDefat0x38032c8>Random Text</ElementItemGroupDefat0x38032c8><ElementClinicalDataat0x3803408 /><ElementItemGroupDataat0x38035c8><tag1><tag2attr="random tags"/></tag1></ElementItemGroupDataat0x38035c8><ElementFormDefat0x38036c8 /></stuff>
<stuff><ElementProtocolat0x3803048/><ElementStudyEventDefat0x3803108/><ElementFormDefat0x3803248/><ElementFormDefat0x38036c8/><ElementItemGroupDefat0x38032c8>Random Text</ElementItemGroupDefat0x38032c8><ElementItemGroupDataat0x38035c8><tag1><tag2attr="random tags"/></tag1></ElementItemGroupDataat0x38035c8><ElementClinicalDataat0x3803408/></stuff>
Solution 2:
Sorry for my lack of knowledge on xml but I tried to format your data in sorted order using my basic knowledge of Python only.
import re
data = """<ElementProtocolat0x3803048>,
predefined_order = ['Protocol','StudyEventDef','FormDef','ItemGroupDef','ItemGroupData','CodeList', 'ClinicalData']
fh1 = open("something.xml","w")
for i in predefined_order:
for j in data.split(','):
fh1.write(j + ',')
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