Python: How To Save *.dat-files As *.csv-files To New Folder
I have a folder with lots of *.dat files (which were created with the program IDL). I am able to take one single file, convert it to a *.csv file and save it in a different (alread
Solution 1:
import csv
import idlsave
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join, splitext
dat_folder = "/folder/to/dat/files/"
csv_folder = "/folder/to/save/new/csv/files/"
onlyfilenames = [f for f in listdir(dat_folder) if isfile(join(dat_folder,f))]
for fullfilename in onlyfilenames:
file_name, file_extension = splitext(fullfilename)
if file_extension == ".dat":
input_file = + fullfilename)
n = input_file["raw"]
with open(join(csv_folder, file_name + ".csv"), "w", newline='') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
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