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Truncated Normal With A Given Mean

Is it possible in python to generate a truncated normal distribution with a given expected value? I know that scipy.stats.truncnorm can give a truncated normal distribution that ta

Solution 1:

You could convert between mu and mean, see for details, for mean there is simple expression, to get mu you have to solve nonlinear equation

import scipy
from scipy.stats import norm

def get_mean(mu, sigma, a, b):
    alpha = (a - mu)/sigma
    beta  = (b - mu)/sigma
    Z     = norm.cdf(beta) - norm.cdf(alpha)
    return mu + (norm.pdf(alpha) - norm.pdf(beta)) / Z

def f(x, mean, sigma, a, b):
    return mean - get_mean(x, sigma, a, b)

def get_mu(mean, sigma, a, b):
    mu = scipy.optimize.brentq(f, a, b, args=(mean, sigma, a, b))
    return mu

a  = -2.0
b  = 3.0
sigma = 1.0
mu    = 0.0

mean = get_mean(mu, sigma, a, b)

mu = get_mu(mean, sigma, a, b)

After getting mu from desired mean, you could put it into sampling routine

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