Unintended Multithreading In Python (scikit-learn)
I'm using mixture submodule of sklearn module for Gaussian Mixture Model... When I run my code on a multicore system, it uses multiple cores even though I do not ask for it in the
Solution 1:
If you are using MKL then try
For Numpy with OpenBLAS:
For some versions of Numpy this variation has been suggested:
The environment variable has to be set before the script is run (setting inside the script itself does not have the desired effect). For setting threads at runtime see: Set max number of threads at runtime on numpy/openblas
See the following for identifying how your numpy is setup: How to check blas/lapack linkage in numpy/scipy?
Solution 2:
thanks @prgao
the answer is there Python: How do you stop numpy from multithreading?
setting "export MKL_NUM_THREADS=1" seems to be working
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