Using Python To Run Executable And Fill In User Input
Solution 1:
If the input doesn't depend on the previous answers then you could pass them all at once using .communicate()
import os
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
p = Popen('fortranExecutable', stdin=PIPE) #NOTE: no shell=True here
p.communicate(os.linesep.join(["input 1", "input 2"]))
waits for process to terminate therefore you may call it at most once.
Solution 2:
As the spec sayscommunicate()
awaits for the subprocess to terminate, so the second call will be addressed to the finished process.
If you want to interact with the process, use p.stdin
&Co instead (mind the deadlock warning).
Solution 3:
By the time, you reach ps.communicate('argument 2'), ps process is already closed as ps.communicate('argument 1') waits until EOF. I think, if you want to write multiple times at stdin, you might have to use:
ps.stdin.write('argument 1')
ps.stdin.write('argument 2')
Solution 4:
your arguments should not be passed to communicate. they should be given in the call to Popen, like:
>>> import shlex, subprocess
>>> command_line = raw_input()
/bin/vikings -input eggs.txt -output "spam spam.txt" -cmd "echo '$MONEY'">>> args = shlex.split(command_line)
>>> print args
['/bin/vikings', '-input', 'eggs.txt', '-output', 'spam spam.txt', '-cmd', "echo '$MONEY'"]
>>> p = subprocess.Popen(args) # Success!
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