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Empty After Upgrade To Django 1.3

The following code works fine under Django 1.2 but fails under Django 1.3 because request.POST is empty, although the form data is posted correctly to the server def commit_form(re

Solution 1:

I had a similar problem (empty request.POST) with django 1.3, but it was due to a bug in my HTML.

I had a form with action="foo" but my mapped "foo/" to the view (where I was expecting some POST data, and getting none). Django kindly server-side redirects requests for "foo" to "foo/", but the POST data was not being resubmitted to "foo/" as part of the deal. In hindsight that seems quite sensible. Changing my form (to action="foo/") fixed it, I suppose changing the could have worked too.

Solution 2:

I recall having a problem of this kind, it turned out that accessing request.raw_post_data prevented the request.POST dict from being subsequently populated with the post params. What happens if you remove the logging.debug line?

Solution 3:

Also check your content type header.


'CONTENT_TYPE': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

Earlier versions were more accommodating if this header was missing or invalid.

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