Beautifulsoup Doesn't Reach A Child Element
Solution 1:
Ok, so I figured it out. I used the selenium module for python which creates a virtual browser if you will that will allow you to perform actions like clicking links and getting the output of the resulting HTML. There was another issue I ran into while solving this which was the page had to be loaded otherwise it just returned the content "Loading..." in the pop-up div so I used the python time module to time.sleep(2)
for 2 seconds which allowed the content to load in. Then I just parsed the resulting HTML output using BeautifulSoup to find the anchor tag with the class "gs_citi". Then pulled the href from the anchor and put this into a request with "requests" python module. Finally, I wrote the decoded response to a local file - scholar.bib.
I installed chromedriver and selenium on my Mac using these instructions here:
Then signed by python file to allow to stop firewall issues using these instructions: Add Python to OS X Firewall Options?
The following is the code I used to produce the output file "scholar.bib":
import os
import time
from selenium import webdriver
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
import requests as req
# Setup Selenium Chrome Web Driver
chromedriver = "/usr/local/bin/chromedriver"
os.environ[""] = chromedriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chromedriver)
# Navigate in Chrome to specified page.
driver.get(" and the measurement of wealth: further reflections")
# Find "Cite" link by looking for anchors that contain "Cite" - second link selected "[1]"
link = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//a[contains(text(), "' + "Cite" + '")]')[1]
# Click the link
print("Waiting for page to load...")
time.sleep(2) # Sleep for 2 seconds
# Get Page source after waiting for 2 seconds of current page in Chrome
source = driver.page_source
# We are done with the driver so quit.
# Use BeautifulSoup to parse the html source and use "html.parser" as the Parser
soupify = soup(source, 'html.parser')
# Find anchors with the class "gs_citi"
gs_citt = soupify.find('a',{"class":"gs_citi"})
# Get the href attribute of the first anchor found
href = gs_citt['href']
print("Fetching: ", href)
# Instantiate a new requests session
session = req.Session()
# Get the response object of href
content = session.get(href)
# Get the content and then decode() it.
bibtex_html = content.content.decode()
# Write the decoded data to a file named scholar.bib
with open("scholar.bib","w") as file:
Hope this helps anyone looking for a solution to this out.
Scholar.bib file:
title={Sustainability and the measurement of wealth: further reflections},
author={Arrow, Kenneth J and Dasgupta, Partha and Goulder, Lawrence H and Mumford, Kevin J and Oleson, Kirsten},
journal={Environment and Development Economics},
publisher={Cambridge University Press}
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