Python Csv Copy Column
I have a file containing following first_name,last_name,uid,email,dep_code,dep_name john,smith,jsmith,,finance,21230 john,king,jking,,human resource
Solution 1:
If you call next()
on the reader you get one row at at a time; use that to copy over the headers. Copying the email column is easy enough:
import csv
infilename = r'c:\Python27\scripts\colnewfile.csv'
outfilename = r'c:\Python27\scripts\final.csv'
with open(infilename, 'rb') as fp_in, open(outfilename, 'wb') as fp_out:
reader = csv.reader(fp_in, delimiter=",")
headers = next(reader) # read first row
writer = csv.writer(fp_out, delimiter=",")
writer.writerow(headers + ['email2'])
for row in reader:
if len(row) > 3:
# make sure there are at least 4 columns
email = row[3].split('@', 1)[0] + ''
writer.writerow(row + [email])
This code splits the email address on the first @
sign, takes the first part of the split and adds
after it:
>>> ''.split('@', 1)[0]
>>> ''.split('@', 1)[0] + ''
The above produces:
john,king,jking,,human resource,31230,
for your sample input.
Solution 2:
This can be done very cleanly using pandas . Here it goes:
In [1]: import pandas as pd
In [3]: df = pd.read_csv('your_csv_file.csv')
In [4]: def rename_email(row):
...: return'', '')
In [5]: df['email2'] = df.apply(rename_email, axis=1)
In [6]: """axis = 1 or ‘columns’: apply function to each row"""
In [7]: df
first_name last_name uid email dep_code dep_name email2
0 john smith jsmith finance 21230
1 john king jking human resource 31230
In [8]: df.to_csv('new_update_email_file.csv')
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