How Do I Run An Infinite Loop In The Background?
Solution 1:
If you are using asyncio (I assume you are due to the asyncio tag) a scheduled operation can be performed using a task.
import asyncio
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
async def check_api():
while True:
# Do API check, helps if this is using async methods
await asyncio.sleep(15 * 60) # 15 minutes (in seconds)
... # Rest of your application
If your API check is not async (or the library you are using to interact with it does is not async) you can use an Executor to run the operation in a separate thread or process while still maintaining the asyncio API.
For example:
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
executor = ThreadPoolExecutor()
def call_api():
async def check_api():
while True:
await loop.run_in_executor(executor, call_api)
await asyncio.sleep(15 * 60) # 15 minutes (in seconds)
Note that asyncio does not automatically make your code parallel, it is co-operative multitasking, all of your methods need to cooperate by using await, a long-running operation will still block other threads and in that case, an Executor will help.
Solution 2:
This is very broad, but you could take a look at the multiprocessing or threading python modules.
For running a thread in the background it would look something like this:
from threading import Thread
def background_task():
# your code here
t = Thread(target=background_task)
Solution 3:
Try multithreading :
import threading
def background():
while True:
number = int(len(oilrigs)) * 49
number += money
def foreground():
// What you want to run in the foreground
b = threading.Thread(name='background', target=background)
f = threading.Thread(name='foreground', target=foreground)
Solution 4:
Try Multi Threading
import threading
def background():
#The loop you want to run in back ground
b = threading.Thread(target=background)
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