Converting Items From Pandas Series To Date Time
I have a Pandas Series ('timeSeries') that includes a time of day. Some of the items are blank, some are actual times (08:00; 13:00), some are indications of time (morning, early a
Solution 1:
Using the .dt
accessor, you can set a timezone to your value, and than convert it to another one, using tz.localize
and tz_convert
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
pd.options.display.max_columns = 5
df = pd.DataFrame({'TimeSeries': ["13:00", np.nan, "06:00", 'Morning', 'Afternoon', np.nan, np.nan, "01:30"]})
# Convert your data to datetime, errors appears, but we do not care about them.
# We also explicitly note that the datetime is a specific timezone.
df['TimeSeries_TZ'] = pd.to_datetime(df['TimeSeries'], errors='coerce', format='%H:%M')\
# 0 1900-01-01 13:00:00-04:56
# 1 NaT
# 2 1900-01-01 06:00:00-04:56
# 3 NaT
# 4 NaT
# 5 NaT
# 6 NaT
# 7 1900-01-01 01:30:00-04:56
# Then, we can use the datetime accessor to convert the timezone.
df['Converted_time'] = df['TimeSeries_TZ'].dt.tz_convert('Europe/London').dt.strftime('%H:%M')
# 0 17:55
# 1 NaT
# 2 10:55
# 3 NaT
# 4 NaT
# 5 NaT
# 6 NaT
# 7 06:25
# If you want to convert the original result that CAN be converted, while keeping the values that
# raised errors, you can copy the original data, and change the data that is not equal to the value
# that means an error was raised, e.g : NaT (not a timestamp).
df['TimeSeries_result'] = df['TimeSeries'].copy()
df['TimeSeries_result'] = df['TimeSeries'].where(~df['Converted_time'].ne('NaT'), df['Converted_time'])
print(df[['TimeSeries', 'TimeSeries_result']])
# TimeSeries TimeSeries_result
# 0 13:00 17:55
# 1 NaN NaN
# 2 06:00 10:55
# 3 Morning Morning
# 4 Afternoon Afternoon
# 5 NaN NaN
# 6 NaN NaN
# 7 01:30 06:256 06:25 06:25
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